Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Journey Begins.....

   Hey there, my name is Daniel Crofts and I move to Malaysia today.  As a 22 year old recent college graduate I find myself beyond blessed with this opportunity.  I will be working with the Lutheran Church of Malaysia for the year in a couple different organizations.

   So the question arises, How exactly did I get here?   I grew up in Simpsoville, South Carolina with a great family.  I just graduated from Presbyterian College and the opportunity to be involved with YAGM really spoke to my interest in working with youth and a desire to experience the different cultures of the world.  I was accepted into the program and the discernment process began.  At the close of summer I had to say good bye to an amazing summer staff that helped me prepare for this journey in so many ways, friends, and family.
   I have spent the past week in Chicago participating in orientation to prepare for the coming year of service.  It has been amazing experience filled with a lot of learning and as I sit in the airport writing I find a sense of peace as I prepare to leave.  Orientation was a great way for all 60 of the volunteers to really prepare for what lies in front of us.  We all come from throughout the country but are united in a calling to serve globally.

   My blog title comes from a good friend name Jake Corbit.  In the start of summer he introduced the idea of "the walk is necessary" a statement that stuck with me as I prepared to leave.  We move in life from one experience to the next.  This journey to Malaysia for me is the next "walk" in my life.  It will lead me to foreign lands and away from the comfort of friends and family.  However, I find strength in those that are traveling with me.  My YAGM family will be there for me, and my country group will experience the joys and challenges that come with a year spend away from loved ones.

So now I end the first "blog" with a thank you to all those that have been a part of my life and lead me to taking this next experience.  Cheers to the new experiences I will encounter and the changes that will happen over the next year.  Good bye for now America  I'll see you when I see you....

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